Memorial for Hasmukh Patel: A Tribute to a Philanthropic Titan

Sep, 3 2024

A Grand Farewell for a Philanthropic Giant

As the world prepares to bid farewell to Hasmukh Patel, a philanthropic billionaire whose impact has touched many lives, the elaborate funeral service planned in his honor speaks volumes about his legacy. Set for Sunday, September 1, 2024, the event is marked by profound symbolism and the presence of notable figures like President William Ruto.

A Unique Symbolism

The casket designed for Patel is unlike any other. Crafted to hold his body in a sitting position, it signifies that even in death, Patel's influence remains alive and active amongst the living. This innovative concept has caught the attention of many and serves as a powerful reminder of the man's enduring presence through his extensive charitable projects. 'Mzee will not be lying down. He will be seated, a sign that he is not gone completely but still with us somehow. He will be watching,' one family member explained, capturing the essence of Patel's perpetual watchfulness over his ventures.

A Revered Journey

The service will commence as the body is collected from the Pandya Memorial Hospital morgue at 8 am on Sunday, with only close family members in attendance. From there, the procession will traverse through five significant Hindu temples in Mombasa. The journey begins at the temple opposite the Quickmart Supermarket, a place pivotal to Patel due to its proximity to a feeding center he funded, which provides over 40,000 free meals daily. This stop allows the beneficiaries of his work to be part of his final journey and offer their prayers in gratitude.

Notable Stops at Temples

Next, the body will be taken to the temple opposite the Royal Court Hotel. This location holds special meaning, as it was the nerve center of Patel's charitable empire, where he tirelessly worked to support the needy with necessities such as school fees and medical bills. Each temple stop includes five minutes of prayers, creating an opportunity for attendees to reflect on Patel's immense contribution to society and the countless lives he has improved.

The Final Service

The procession's concluding destination is the New Cutchi Leva Patel Samaj Hall along Links Road, a venue of personal significance as it hosted Patel's son's wedding. Here, the final service will unfold, expected to draw dignitaries like President William Ruto and Kalonzo Musyoka. This last service will be a heartfelt tribute to a man whose philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on the community.

Following the service, Patel's body will be cremated at the nearby crematorium, concluding the day's solemn yet celebratory events.

A Legacy of Generosity

Throughout his life, Hasmukh Patel embodied generosity and altruism. His various initiatives, from feeding centers to financial aid for education and healthcare, painted a picture of a man always willing to extend a helping hand. He did not merely disperse his wealth but created programs that would sustain and uplift communities, ensuring a long-term positive impact.

As Sunday nears, many reflect on Patel's contributions and the void left by his passing. His funeral is more than a farewell; it is a celebration of a life remarkably well-lived. The grandiose ceremony and the special casket are mere symbols of the extensive and heartfelt legacy Hasmukh Patel has etched into the hearts of many.

This grand send-off is not just a tribute but a reaffirmation that the essence of Patel's philanthropic spirit will continue to live on, inspiring future generations to embrace generosity, compassion, and unwavering dedication to uplifting society.