• WhatsApp Facing Withdrawal from Nigeria Amidst Tightening Regulations Concerns
    WhatsApp Facing Withdrawal from Nigeria Amidst Tightening Regulations Concerns

    WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is contemplating pulling its services from Nigeria due to increasing regulatory demands. The Nigerian government seeks stricter controls on social media, prompting fears among tech companies about censorship and data privacy. WhatsApp worries about mandates from the Nigerian Communications Commission to register and possibly share user data. Millions of Nigerian users could be affected.

  • Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry: Paula Vennells Faces Scrutiny Over Controversial IT Issues and Prosecution of Staff
    Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry: Paula Vennells Faces Scrutiny Over Controversial IT Issues and Prosecution of Staff

    Paula Vennells, the former CEO of the Post Office, is under intense scrutiny at the Horizon IT inquiry in London. Her testimony, filled with admissions and assertions of being misled, has sparked controversy over her role in handling IT issues and prosecuting staff. The inquiry, led by Wyn Williams, seeks to unravel the tangled web of misinformation and accountability.